A multi artform collaboration between poet Roshni Gallagher, musician Diljeet Bhachu, photographer Kate Soltan and projection artist Robert Motyka brings a unique experience of spoken word accompanied by live music to the backdrop of nature imagery.

Roshni’s six poems are a tender exploration of how we grieve lost language and histories – and how identity can still be sought after and reclaimed. The piece journeys from a place of disconnection and isolation to one of belonging and community.

A mellow soundscape of semi-improvised live flute accompaniment by Diljeet Bhachu complements Roshni’s readings.

Roshni Gallagher: Poet and Reader
Diljeet Bhachu: Flutes and Effects
Raheema Sayed: Poetry Programme Curation
Kate Sołtan: Artwork
Courtenay Drakos: Head of lighting
Morgan Njobo and Ramcise Modie: Sound editing
Robert Motyka: Multi projections set, Video editing
Piotr Motyka: Camera, Video editing
Kat Długosz: Camera
Robert Henderson: Audio recording
Banana Row Studios, Leith, Edinburg, Scotland
For more information about the artists, please go to https://www.edmcf.co.uk/2020
Produced by African Connections CIC for the Edinburgh Multicultural Festival.